Friday, April 22, 2011

The Older The Tastier

German wine is produced mainly in western Germany along the Rhine and its tributaries, the oldest plantation dating from Roman times. As the wine country, it has a international reputation in export markets with more elegant and pure aromatic white wines of Germany in the world, while others see countries, mainly as a source of wines cheap mass market, semi-sweet as Liebfraumilch. Germany has been producing wines in different styles: dry white wines, semi-sweet and sweet, red and sparkling wines, called Sekt. (The type of wine is usually produced in a spirit of wine.) Like the northern route of the German vineyards, the wines it produced very different from any other in Europe, many of excellent quality. However, it is still best known abroad for cheap, sweet or, low quality large quantity produced wines such as Liebfraumilch. Perhaps the most characteristic feature of German wines is the high acidity in them, because the low degree of maturity in a northern climate and the selection of varietals such as Riesling which retain acidity even at levels maturity level.
To keep wine for long term aging is an important consideration.
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Wine storage and its ability to potentially improve the quality of wine are different from most other consumer goods, thats why we call the older the tastier for wine. So, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. While storing wine you should kept in mind that don't store wine in severe cold, or in the winter your wine might freeze. And also avoid various places like kitchen because temperature and humidity has variation in it, any room that receive a good deal of sunlight. Light and heat will work together and ruined your wine adversely, and any space directly blow the roof can be very hot in summer and cold in winter which affect your wine badly.
Usually, the more expensive the wine, the more care you need to devote to ensuring correct storage conditions. This becomes even more pressing if you buy wine for investment, intending to sell part or all of your collection at a later date. Storage condition will also affect how the outside of the bottle looks, which is important for resale, and for looking good in your dining table.

If you have underground storage, you may already have ideal condition in which to store your wine. None of ruining a good wine faster than too much air. This not only makes you lose freshness, but more importantly, will cause the wine to corrode. This causes premature aging, and soon it was instead of wine vinegar (yuk!). In addition, the storage of wine for about 70 per cent humidity helps to keep the cork moist properly (too low humidity dries out the higher moisture encourages the growth of mould and fungi). The proper temperature is another important factor is to ensure your wine is drinking before opening. The optimum temperature for storing wine is 50 to 55F (10-12C). However, any constant temperature within 40-65F (5-18C) is acceptable, with controlled temperature and humidity, light exposure should be minimized. Keep your wine where they will not be disturbed by movement and vibration. If you intend to store wine more than few days, lay the bottle horizontal position. This keep the cork in contact with the wine, so that it remain moist, which prevent oxidation. When you are ready to serve the wine, turn the bottle back to an upright position to allow any sediment to settle on the bottom.

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